Paragliding In Kamshet near Lonavala Mumbai and Pune

Kamshet Paragliding – Soar Through Stunning Landscapes

Track down the energy of paragliding with Kamshet Paragliding Experience, assessed at 3,000 rupees. Our essentially capable get-together of paragliding teachers in Kamshet, authoritatively arranged near Lonavala, Mumbai and Pune, will ensure your security during this unimaginably gladdening experience. Kamshet, got comfortable the Western Ghats, is home to stunning steep inclinations and is known as Maharashtra’s Paragliding Paradise. Our created pilots and flying sweethearts will take you on a taking off encounter through the dazzling mountains and levels, giving shocking viewpoints on the Sahyadri Compasses from a higher spot. Take a full really fundamental lift and feel your adrenaline rush with this basic experience. Hold your spot with us today.

Kamshet Paragliding Encounters near Lonavala Mumbai and Pune

We are a party of committed paraglider pilots who have gotten our guaranteeing from the obvious Sublime Culture of Paragliding UK. The stuff we give assents the serious quality and security standards spread out by the Indian government. Our fundamental spotlight is on the security and progress of our clients, which is the explanation we genuinely adhere to all industry-driving shows. For individuals who are captivated, we also offer the decision to record their experience through selfies and records. Kamshet, an incredible mountain town, gives dazzling viewpoints on the stunning Sahyadri Mountains. Kamshet is known as one of the most amazing paragliding locale in India in light of its important take-off and landing districts. For individuals searching for a cheering, bird-like understanding, Kamshet paragliding in Mumbai is an observable entry. We depend on giving for specific the most enchanting and safe experience for our clients, and our affiliations are open at a sensible expense of just Rs. 3000.

Kamshet Paragliding Attempts Framework

Kamshet Paragliding Experience, facilitated in the Sahyadri Mountains, requires a particular degree of moving to seem everything considered of take-off locale. The locale’s ordinary geography is seen for its raised tendencies and two wide mountain ranges, to be unequivocal the Western Ghats and Himalayas, conveying it an optimal paragliding objective for fans. Kamshet and its communicating regions are especially genuine for this development, seeking after it a persuading choice for the two occupants and travelers who are checking western Bharat out. Our establishment is found 102 kilometers from the midtown locale, 48 kilometers from Pune, and 18 kilometers from Lonavala.

Kamshet Paragliding Experience is that the best spot for paragliding near Lonavala Mumbai Pune

India offers stunning entryways for paragliding improvement, by greatness of remarkable mountain scenes coordinate the Himalayas and the Western Ghats. Among the most sought-after complaints for pair paragliding is Kamshet, which is unequivocally coordinated inside closeness to Mumbai and Pune. The distance among Kamshet and key battles, including Mumbai, Pune, and Lonavala, is 105 km, 45 km, and 18 km, autonomously. Individuals should be prepared to walk a short distance to show up at their take-off locale pondering the scene and the unbalanced districts around Kamshet. The area participates in an aggravating and semi-dry climate, with standard temperatures going from 20 to 26 degrees Celsius.

Kamshet Paragliding Experience Levels

Kamshet Paragliding Experience is fulfilled to offer four engaging regions for paragliding dears. Our two most striking takeoff networks, “Culmination Tendency” and “Shelar Tendency,” offer amazing vistas from 900 meters and 720 meters above sea level, unreservedly. Anyway, level isn’t the super component that isolates Kamshet as the head objective for paragliding near Mumbai and Pune.

Our region offers ideal breeze conditions, pondering longer, extra overwhelming flights. Paragliding in Kamshet gives a noteworthy perspective of the area’s normal importance, including the stunning mountains, valleys, streams, fortresses, dams, and woodlands. The impression of taking off through the sky while taking in these astonishing points of view is truly an encouraging experience.

Authoritatively arranged near Mumbai and Pune, Kamshet is the best fair-minded for both first-time and experienced paragliders. Award us to help you gain amazing encounters with our capability coordinated paragliding encounters.

Best time for Kamshet Paraglidings Encounters

Our typical paragliding season in Pune goes from mid-October to the most recent multi day stretch of May. The tempest season is accessible from June to October, making paragliding stop. During the basic stretches of November and December, a “pink-cold” climate is open, with an east to west improvement of the air from October through January. Morning hours are the really conceivable time for paragliding. Flyable breeze conditions are accessible from around 7 am to 1:30 pm all through the colder season. Stable thermodynamic conditions in the air among December and January work with flying, for unequivocal events of predictable outings during these months. Turn course changes to west to east from February to May, securing cold sea air and now and again strong breezes. All through the pre-summer season, the flyable breeze conditions win solely after 3 pm and paragliding occurs from around 4 pm until sunset. Paragliding is a lovely experience during this time.

What absolute does Kamshet Paragliding Encounters Cost?

Kamshet, coordinated in Pune, offers the unbelievably uplifting experience of paragliding at just Rs. 3000 for each person, with three explicit decisions to look at – Euphoria Excursion all over the place, Enlightening Journey all over the place and Acro Pair, each with uncommon subtleties and worth. Match paragliding in Kamshet commitments to be the part of your journey and leave you with a remarkable memory. We invite you to take part in this cheering experience and witness the astonishing significance of the normal parts. We promise you of our obligation with some spot secured and consenting to all rules partner with paragliding. Do whatever it takes not to mess up this opportunity to have a go at something as of in the no so distant past impossible during your time in Kamshet.

Paragliding in Kamshet: Taking off Over the Splendid Importance

Might it in the end be said that you are searching for an empowering experience that unites adrenaline and shocking points of view? Look no farther than paragliding in Kamshet, a brilliant locale near Lonavala, Mumbai, and Pune. This certainly invigorating improvement licenses you to take off high over the tranquil scene, experiencing the energy of flying like a bird. In this article, we will explore the perplexed subtleties of paragliding in Kamshet, from the best spots to the stuff required and the overall appreciation.

Examining Kamshet

Gotten comfortable the focal point of the Western Ghats, Kamshet is an unassuming area down around 45 kilometers from Pune. With its undulating slants, rich green valleys, and quiet lakes, Kamshet offers an optimal beginning stage for paragliding fans. The region’s awesome barometrical conditions, shockingly its delicate breezes and clear skies, make it an ideal target for this experience sport.

Picking the Right Paragliding

Preceding taking to the skies, it’s earnest to pick a reliable paragliding school in Kamshet. These schools give talented readiness and confirmation your prosperity all through the entire experience. Look for ensured teachers who have expansive experience and data in paragliding. They will guide you through the relationship, from aiding you the nuts and bolts to supporting you during your flight.

The Paragliding Experience

Ground Organizing

Your paragliding cycle in Kamshet begins with ground organizing. Experienced educators will outfit you with the focal data about the stuff, flourishing techniques, and methods expected for serious areas of strength for a. Ground planning moreover facilitates practice runs and duplication exercises to change you with the paragliding framework.


At the point when you have completed your ground setting up, it’s the best a doorway for flight! Joined by your teacher, you will move to the took transport out site, which presents extensively complete points of view on the including scene. As you stand at the edge of the phony, speculation consumes the space, and you can feel your heart race in fervor.

Taking off Through the Sky

With a sensitive breeze lifting the paraglider, you take the leap and stow away off. The impression of weightlessness and opportunity is from an overall perspective indefinable. As you float through the air, participate in the stunning points of view on Kamshet’s verdant tendencies, shimmering lakes, and inquisitive towns under. The experience of flying amidst the fogs and feeling one with nature is perpetually out surprising.


After a spellbinding flight, this moment is the best entrance to hope to land. Your educator will guide you on this last stage, ensuring a smooth fall. Kamshet’s given out landing zones give a no issue at all area for landing, and your teacher will help you in making a fragile score.
